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Social & Emotional Learning

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children, youth and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. 


Proficiency in SEL is key to building relationships, emotional and behavioral regulation, and making decisions; all of which play important roles in how we learn and engage with the world around us. In fact, SEL has been found to be as vital to school and work success as academic knowledge!

Social and Emotional Learning

Social and Emotional Learning

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A person holding a sign that says stay curious


The videos below are a great resource to learn more about Social and Emotional Learning.


Produced in collaboration with Human Potential Plus and funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation, they cover mental health, basic needs, total behaviour, and frustration.

Growing Resilience

Check out the newly available Growing Resilience to Cope with Stress booklet!


This handy booklet is full of tips for helping everyone in your household build their resiliency through routines, relationships, and taking time to replenish. There is also information about how to identify mental health concerns and a list of local agencies and health care providers who can help!


Printed copies available by contacting our us at or 1 (226) 699-0707 or download a virtual copy through the link below. Thanks to Avon Maitland District School Board students and community Mental Health and Addiction organizations for contributing to the content. This project was funded by Ontario Trillium Foundation.

A field of corn with a blue sky behind it
Two people walking on the Goderich beach together


Since November 2018, we collaborated with Avon Maitland District School Board (AMDSB) to evolve and deliver YOU MATTER – a youth engagement initiative to support mental health and well-being. This was funded by Ontario Trillium Foundation with local support from Tanner Steffler Foundation. We wanted to learn: How do student-led and student-implemented mental health and well-being initiatives support students in schools?

We are celebrating the successful engagement of thousands of AMDSB students who brainstormed, prioritized ideas, worked together and evaluated school-based mental health and well-being initiatives, even during remote learning and a global pandemic! Talk about resilience! We are so proud of this initiative and thankful for all the youth who participated.

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