Personal Safety
For over 30 years, we have provided personal safety education for children in Huron County schools. We focus on educating young children to ensure they understand their rights, body part location and proper names, how to identify trusted adults, how to seek help and consent.
If your community group or school parent council would like to learn more or receive a presentation from our staff at your next meeting, please email us at

Internet Safety
One of the most significant and quickly adopted shifts in our society is the expanding use of technology by everyone. Children are learning to use devices and interact online at increasingly younger ages. It can be challenging for parents to know how to keep their children safe online, but it is important.
Here are a few helpful resources to check out:​
Follow Paul Davis, a Canadian Internet Safety guru! He speaks to thousands of students and parents every year. He posts relevant information on his Facebook page.
The Canadian Centre for Child Protection offers numerous free to educate parents about personal safety of their children. Browse their selection of free resources for all age groups.
Learn about the biggest online risks for children/youth and what parents/caregivers can do to keep children/youth safe online here.
For Grade 3 and 4 students, the Canadian Centre for Child Protection also provides a fun and informative online tool for learning about internet safety called Zoe & Molly Online. Check out Zoe & Molly Online to review at home or if you need help discussing internet safety, please contact us.
Protect Kids Online is designed to help parents/caregivers protect their children on the Internet and reduce their risk of victimization
Internet safety and managing screen time is a significant issue for most families. If you need ideas about talking with your children about Internet safety or how to implement screen time limits that contribute to a healthy relationship with your children, please call our office at 1 (226) 699-0707.